Donate to our Givealittle page
Help us educate people on how to safeguard and protect children from abuse and neglect.
DONATE today to keep our children safe so they can thrive.
As a registered charity, we rely on income generated from our training, grants and private donations. Your contribution can make a significant difference in continuing this essential mahi.

Making a bequest in your will
A bequest is a gift specified in your will. This is a generous way to contribute to a cause you care about. The gift could be a specific sum, a percentage of your estate, or a particular asset.
When you leave a gift to Safeguarding Children in your will, you are leaving a lasting legacy to help provide a better future for the children of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Together, We Can Make a Difference
Become a supporter and change the lives of the children of Aotearoa.