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Leadership in Safeguarding and Child Protection


Take a proactive role in preventing abuse, supporting your staff, and securing your reputation

Invest in Protection:

Enhance Reputation and Ensure Accountability

As a leader, you carry the hefty responsibility for children’s safety.

The cost of inadequate safeguarding is high, risking your reputation, financial stability, and most importantly, children’s lifelong wellbeing.

Your worries over accountability and lack of time are real. The complex concerns raised by your frontline staff add to this burden, often involving families you don’t personally know.

We’re here to help. Our training and guidance provides you and your team with the knowledge and tools to prevent, recognise, and respond to child abuse.

We guide you in creating a clear strategy and equipping your team to promote a child safe culture that will enhance your organisation’s reputation.

See Training Options
Leadership and governance - people in a meeting

Training options that protect children, staff wellbeing, and your reputation

Flexible, cost-effective solutions tailored to your needs, for tangible outcomes

On Demand

Cost-effective, general and sector-specific training, ideal for busy leaders. Prevent burnout, maintain compliance, and protect your reputation, all while working at your own pace.


Access insights and advice on-demand. Watch when it suits you, and learn how to safeguard children while saving time, money, and potentially your reputation


Join live, general and sector-specific training sessions from your office. Minimise downtime, prevent staff burnout, ensure compliance, and engage directly with child protection experts.


Gain deeper knowledge, ensure compliance, and get personalised solutions to your specific needs around safeguard children, while protecting your reputation.

Mitigate Risks and Secure your Reputation with our Expert Consulting

Harness our expertise through personalised consulting to propel your safeguarding strategy.

We dive deep into your unique context, offering personalised advice and strategies to mitigate risks and bolster your reputation.

Our consultancy helps your mitigate your legal and compliance risks, fortify your reputation, and ensure a child-safe environment – a unique, interactive solution beyond standard training.

Our team are experts in safeguarding and children protection with frontline experience working in a variety of sectors. We specialise in applying our knowledge to your organisation or specific sector.

Safeguarding Children can…

  • Provide safeguarding solutions
  • Help you comply with relevant legislation
  • Assist with policy and procedure development
  • Audit existing child-safe systems
  • Provide guidance regarding child protection concerns
  • Customise any of our courses to meet a client’s specific needs

Not sure what you need or want?  Please contact us, we can help.

Contact Us

Unlock the Benefits of Child-Safe Leadership with Safeguarding Children

Enhance Your Reputation

Gain the knowledge and strategies to handle child protection issues effectively. This boosts accountability and protects your organisation’s reputation.

Empower Your Staff

With our strategic training, your staff become competent in identifying signs of abuse and know how to respond, reducing the stress on leadership and promoting workplace wellbeing.

Mitigate Compliance & Legal Risks

We help you understand your responsibility and give you a clear strategy to ensure your institution fulfils its responsibility towards child safety and protection.

How do I create
a Safeguarding Organisation?

Protect Children - Protect Your Brand

Partner with us to enhance your reputation, support your staff and uphold your duty of care.

Safeguarding Children

Charities Number: CC49059
NZBN: 9429043276134

To request permission to use or replicate Safeguarding Children content please contact us.


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