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Helpful tools, guides and downloads


A range of affordable and free resources to help you effectively safeguard and protect children in your care, as well as support those looking after them.

Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy Development & Audit Tool



An essential tool for any individual responsible for implementing a Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy or reviewing an existing one.

Guide to Creating a Safeguarding Code of Conduct



Providing constructive guidance to key points of shared practice. To provide planning content, monitoring, and review processes.

Essential Safeguarding and Child Protection Bundle



We have distilled our many years experience working with organisations large and small into a set of resources.

Report of Concern



Sometimes it is the quality of the information you pass on that makes all the difference.

support services

Support Services



It is important to seek support and guidance if you feel concerned. Get more helpful links / contacts.

Information Sharing Provisions



This applies to a large group of government agencies, non-government organisations, health and education services.

Body Map



Use our body map to help you pinpoint the location of an injury and to classify the injury in detail.

Child Safeguarding Poster – For Kids



Use this resource within your organisation to talk to kids about keep themselves safe and who to contact if they are worried about themselves or a friend.

E Tū Whānau – Our Ancestors enjoyed loving whānau relationships



This resource discusses how violence was not a traditional part of Māori family life. It also talks about the strong evidence around loving whānau relationships.

E Tū Whānau – Protecting our whānau



Seeking to help rebuild and strengthen protective factors for Māori by restoring traditional whānau values and giving them a ‘new lease of life’.

My Body My Taonga

Two young friends, Rāwiri and Ruby, have a kōrero about body safety and take readers on a learning journey with them.

5 things I can do to stand up



A Big Life Journal printable resource for children about what actions a child can take to stand up for themselves and for others.

Body boundaries sound like



A Big Life Journal printable resource for children about what language they can use when they feel their body boundaries are being crossed.

Body boundaries look like



A Big Life Journal printable resource for children about what body boundaries can look like and what action a child can take if they don't want someone in their boundary bubble.

Kōrero mai | Talk to me – Online Course



Hohou Te Rongo Kahuhura - Outing Violence have developed an online course - Kōrero mai | Talk to me which is for anyone with children in their life. The course helps with talking about safety, sexuality and gender with children.

Chronology Chart



This chronology chart is useful to have at the front of your file to record child wellbeing or safety concerns, helping you see patterns or increases in risk.

Kids and Gender



This resource is for parents and caregivers, to help answer some of the questions you may have about kids and gender.

Ethnic communities booklet on family violence and abuse



This resource by Ministry of Social Development (MSD) describes family violence and abuse. It gives ideas about things we can all do to stop abuse in our communities.

Safeguarding Children

Charities Number: CC49059
NZBN: 9429043276134

To request permission to use or replicate Safeguarding Children content please contact us.


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